Dialogue suggetions & offer

Daffa      : Bintang,i heard you play online betting on internet,its that true?
Bintang   : Yes,thats true. Because that easier way to get money
Daffa      : I think you should not do online betting,because that is harram thing
Bintang   : Yes Daffa,i know, i want to stop but idk how because im already addicted
Daffa      : I have a solution for you,why you dont invest your money on Binomo?
Bintang   :What is Binomo?
Daffa      :Binomo is online trading and 100% hallal and syariah
Bintang   :Wow,Amazing application,i should try that application,thanks Daffa
Daffa      :No Problem dude

Daffa     :Aqilla, are you free all the time
Aqilla    :Yes,why?
Daffa     :Do you want to be my reseller?
Aqilla    :What product?
Daffa     :I sell Kju mozzarella malang,its the best cheese in the world,you can have profit from there
Aqilla     :Oh, im intersted,ill think about it later
Daffa     :Ok.


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