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My goals

 when i graduate on highschool,i want go to UGM university,because i want take philosophy subject, i want to be consultant teacher,or i want to be consultant on a company. I want to take philosophy because my strength is overthinking,and i like to help my friends find answer from a problem

Dialogue suggetions & offer

SUGGESTIONS Daffa      : Bintang,i heard you play online betting on internet,its that true? Bintang   : Yes,thats true. Because that easier way to get money Daffa      : I think you should not do online betting,because that is harram thing Bintang   : Yes Daffa,i know, i want to stop but idk how because im already addicted Daffa      : I have a solution for you,why you dont invest your money on Binomo? Bintang   :What is Binomo? Daffa      :Binomo is online trading and 100% hallal and syariah Bintang   :Wow,Amazing application,i should try that application,thanks Daffa Daffa      :No Problem dude OFFER Daffa     :Aqilla, are you free all the time Aqilla    :Yes,why? Daffa     :Do you want to be my reseller? Aqilla    :What product? Daffa     :I sell Kju mozzarella malang,its the best cheese in the world,you can have profit from there Aqilla     :Oh, im intersted,ill think about it later Daffa     :Ok.

COPID-19 Flyer

Daffa Arila Ghifari X social 2

Recount Text (Man Made Disaster)

The great smog of London         The Great Smog of London, or Great Smog in 1952, was a  air pollution event that affected the capital of London in London in early December 1952. It because London in that year have a extreme cold weather and non-windy conditions. most of people  burn a coal to keep their body stay warm, but if coal burned for long duration, it will cause a thick layer of smoke above the city. London has suffered poor air quality since the 13th century  which worsened in the 1600s but Great Smog is known as the worst air pollution event in British history. This led to several changes in practices and regulations, including the Clean Air Act  1956. the Clean Air Act will cause  public awareness about the relationship between air quality and health.  It's start at Friday 5 December to Tuesday 9 December 1952, and spread quickly as the weather changed. This causes reducing visibility and even breaking into indoor areas, this thick smoke y called also ''P

The Lion And Mouse

Once when a lion, the king of the jungle, was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down on him. This soon awakened the lion, who placed his huge paw on the mouse, and opened his big jaws to swallow him. “Pardon, O King!” cried the little Mouse, “Forgive me this time. I shall never repeat it and I shall never forget your kindness. And who knows, I may be able to do you a good turn one of these days!” The Lion was so tickled by the idea of the mouse The lion laughed, "You are so small! How could you ever help me?" The lion laughed so hard he had to hold his belly! The mouse jumped to freedom and ran until she was far, far away. Sometime later, a few hunters captured the lion, and tied him to a tree. After that they went in search of a wagon, to take him to the zoo. Just then the little mouse happened to pass by. On seeing the lion’s plight, he ran up to him and gnawed away the ropes that bound him, the king of the jungle.“See?Little mouse can help the king of jun


WOAAHHHH, HELLOO GUYSSS ,LONG TIME NO SEE,HEHE. I miss u all guys:(, but now im here soo this time i will tell you about MYY HOLIDAYY!!! YEAYYYYYYY! My Holiday!             So in my 2 weeks of holiday I do a lot of activities,when the first weeks,I went to lodaya EVERY DAYYYY!!!WOW. I went to lodaya cuz im in Foster team(SMAN 3 Softball) So I had a hard training,Meeting,planning, for the game or the next game being a better game than last game.              Next week, I went to my cousin home cuz I want to enjoy my last weeks of holiday there.So in my last holliday,nothing special,cuz I want to enjoy my last holiday,chillin to coffee bar with my cousin,go riding,play video games,etc. When I playing video games with my cousin,I lose my game, so I punished, and the punishment was eating rice with thai tea drink,LOL.              On last 2 days,I rest at home and sometime go outside for hang up with my friend,go riding again to lembang with my friend,And trying to be enjoying m